There is No New

New and improved!  We’ve all seen these words flashed on our television screens, situated at the top of print ads in magazines or ads on social media.  In my view, after studying, experimenting with, and practicing countless exercises, diets, supplements, etc. there really is no new and improved when it comes to things that just plain work and get results.  Please stick with me here as I drop some quick truths about diet and exercise.

Food.  We’ve been on this plane of existence for thousands of years or more, depending on who or what you believe, and this entire time our food sources, until very recently in our history, have been the same.  Meat and plants in the form of fruits and vegetables.  That’s it.  That’s all you need.  That’s what our ancestors had and they did just fine.  You don’t need supplements, protein powders, etc.  Wanna get in shape and improve your health?  Eat real, unprocessed food!

No seed oils, margarine, sugars, sodas, artificial sweeteners, additives, etc.  Some cheat codes to help you out:  if it’s in a box or bag, it’s probably not your best food choice.  Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store and you should be good.  If it’s in a box or bag and has more than one or two ingredients listed, it gets a little worse.  If it’s got any ingredients that you cannot pronounce or say out loud, definitely not something you want to be putting in your body with any regularity. 

What about supplements?  In a perfect world, one without pollution, without GMOs, full of mineral rich soil, we’d get all of the nutrition we need from just food.  Sadly, that is not the case anymore, and the reality is, we do need to supplement certain nutrients now in order to maintain optimal health.  I’m not your doctor and everyone’s needs are different, so I’m not going to recommend any one thing in particular other than a whole food multivitamin.  I do recommend that everyone should get a blood test periodically to see exactly what nutrients or vitamins they are deficient in and then supplement accordingly. 

Exercise.  Get up off your ass and move.  Do something!  Anything!  Don’t think that exercise means you have to spend money to go to a gym and hop on a treadmill or elliptical machine.  That’s not at all what it means.  Again, everyone’s needs are different.  For some, taking a brisk 10-minute walk after a meal or first thing in the morning may be enough exercise.  For others, more may be required.  The important thing is to not allow yourself to become overwhelmed with all of the different choices you have.  Pick one, start small, see how you feel, and adjust accordingly.

There is no new when it comes to your health and fitness.  The basics that get results remain the same.  Real food, movement, and prolonged consistency with both are key if you want to see results.

The new year is coming.  Most are getting ready to FINALLY get in shape and get healthier, as they do every year around this time.  Will this coming year be the year that you finally stick to and achieve YOUR health and fitness goals?  Stick to the basics, hire a coach if you feel you need one, and get it done!  I’m pulling for you and wishing you a happy and healthy new year!

Always activate.  Get going.

Alex Arion