Suck It Up

There are times in your fitness journey when you’re going to hit snags and roadblocks. It happens. Life can be unpredictable and throw a curveball once in a while.

You slept through the alarm, had to work late, your car broke down, a family emergency happened… you get the picture.

When life throws curveballs, for many of us, the first things we look to skip or sacrifice are our workouts or exercise. Many of us are quick to stray from our eating and nutrition plans because it’s just “too tough” and we’re “stressed” or “too tired”.

That’s bullshit.

When you fly on an airplane, everyone is familiar with the schpiel you get from the flight attendant prior to take-off. They go over fastening the seat belt and putting on the oxygen mask in the event of an issue with the air pressure in the plane during flight.

The key point they always make is that adults are to put on their masks first before helping any small children or people around them that may need assistance.

The lesson is that you take care of yourself first before helping anyone else because if you pass out, you’re no good to anyone else around you.

Well… this is something that should apply especially to your health and fitness.

Take care of yourself first.

Now, let’s get serious.

Last night was the SuperBowl. Once a year. It’s usually one of the most-watched things on TV.

Today, there are millions of people that called in sick to work, skipped the gym, slept late, decided to continue eating the junk food leftovers from yesterday so they wouldn’t go to waste, etc.

If you’re one of those people, nursing a hangover, feeling bloated, feeling lethargic, sitting around like a lump on a log and complaining on social media today… why?

Why did you overindulge? Why did you drink 10 beers when you could’ve had one or two or a glass of water instead? Why two helpings of wings and four slices of pizza? Why do all of it?

It’s not like this was the first time you’ve watched the SuperBowl. I doubt it was your first party. You knew what to expect. You’ve acted this way before and you’ve felt the consequences the following day or two. You knew what was going to happen and you did it anyway.

Now you’re whining, complaining to your pals about how you feel, how the government should declare it a national holiday so that businesses have to shut down so that you don’t have to work.

If you’re one of those people, complaining of a hangover, complaining that today should be a national holiday so that you and others can recover from a night of overindulgence, then right now…leave my page and never come back.

I have no use for people like you, who make excuses, who think they deserve special treatment, who will deliberately throw a wrench into their health and fitness and then complain about how “crappy” they feel.

Get off this website, unsubscribe from my email list, unfollow me on social media, and don’t ever come back. I’m serious. I have no use for you, I don’t want your business, I don’t want anything to do with people like you. Offended? Good. Go tell someone who gives a damn.

Now for the rest of you, the ones who maybe overindulged a little, maybe did all of the above except for the complaining and whining…

For those of you who woke up feeling like calling in was not an option and instead tackled your responsibilities…

For those of you that still got to the gym or went outside and took a walk and still got their exercise or workout in…

Even though it was so tempting to join the crowd and call-in sick, sit around and complain…

I applaud you.

You’re a rare breed.

You know the importance of your responsibilities. You know the importance of not getting derailed from your exercise and fitness goals. You know that even though you may have had a few hours of “weakness”, it was important to get right back on track.

I applaud you.

You know the importance of your fitness and nutrition, you know it’s important to be healthy and feel good.

You know it’s important to keep your commitments to your employer.

Most importantly of all… you know the importance of keeping the commitment you made to yourself to get into the best shape of your life.

Well done. I applaud you. You have what it takes to be called a “Golden One”.

Next month, I am launching my “Members Only” section and it’s made for people just like you.

People who want a place to go for help with their training and nutrition, who want a place where they can interact with other like-minded people.

People that want to better themselves both physically and mentally.

Details will be available soon so be on the lookout.

Until tomorrow…

Always Activate. Get Going.

Alex Arion