The Difference Is…

We’re constantly bombarded with distractions. Looming deadlines, notifications from cell phones, gossipy co-workers, the TV shows that we just have to watch.

It always seems like just when you think you’ve got a bit of time to devote to yourself, something happens to come up.

Sometimes it’s difficult to focus and concentrate with all of these distractions and we can lose sight of the goals we’ve set for ourselves.

For whatever reason, society has made it acceptable to become out of shape, overweight, and lethargic. It’s actually glorified and celebrated. It’s lunacy.

It’s no wonder so many people give up on their health and fitness goals. The positive examples that display health and fitness to our society are slowly vanishing.

As time passes, the heroes society once held in high esteem have turned out to be just as, if not more so, fallible than the ones who viewed them so.

Society has made it acceptable, even trendy to be overweight and out of shape. The “dad bod” is a thing many now actually strive for.

How does this trend reverse? How can we stop this decline in our society, in our collective views of health and fitness?

I don’t claim to have an answer. I don’t know how to really solve any of the world’s problems, real or manufactured.

I do know, with 100 percent certainty, that we are all different. We all have different genetics. We all came from different backgrounds, had different friends, teachers, role models.

We all grew up with different monetary circumstances… some came from affluence, some from poverty, some in between, all to varying degrees.

We’ve all been exposed to different ideas, different books, different neighborhoods, different influences.

We’re all very different for very different reasons.

What I do know is that if everyone, collectively across the Earth, stopped worrying about everything except for bettering themselves in some way, we’d all be so much better off.

Be it in our health and fitness, in the ways we all treat each other, in anything you can imagine… if we as a people only focused on bettering ourselves and improving in some way, no matter how infinitesimally small, every day, we’d be so much better off.

I’m opening up the “Members Only” section next month here on this website. It will be a premium area, with videos, audio, articles, etc. dedicated to the betterment of the individual… which means you will have to pay to become a member. Nothing good or of any value is free.

If you’re a person looking to “level-up” in your health, wellness, fitness, mindset… you’ll want to be on the inside and become a “Golden One”.

If you’ve had enough of the “norms” of society and are ready to break free and forge your own path… the information inside will be of great use to you.

Until next time…

Always Activate. Get Going.

Alex Arion