
One of the most important aspects of getting in shape and achieving your fitness goals is consistency.

If you want to get leaner by dropping a few pounds, then you must be consistent with your training and diet.

That means not missing any workouts. No matter what, get your workout in.

That means eating the correct foods, eating the correct amounts that place you in a daily caloric deficit (if you’re trying to lose weight).

You have to be consistent. No “cheat meals” or “reward” days. To be successful in achieving your fitness goals, you have to get that line of thinking out of your head.

“Cheat meals.” You’re “cheating” on your diet or eating plan…and you think you’re going to get results? To use an old cliche, “Cheaters never win and winners never cheat.”

“Cheat meals” were popularized by bodybuilders and bodybuilding magazines many years ago. The bodybuilder would talk of having a “Cheat meal” once a week or once a month.

What the bodybuilder usually failed to mention was that he or she was taking steroids to alter their body chemistry which required a massive amount of calories to assist in them growing their muscles.

If you’re not a bodybuilder using steroids, forget “cheat meals”.

“Reward” days. I confess I did this many years ago. I would eat “clean” 6 days a week and then I’d give myself a weekend day, usually Saturdays, where I’d eat pizza, cookies, ice cream, candy, etc.

I “rewarded” myself by becoming fat. It didn’t happen overnight, but within 6 months, I was slowly getting that “spare tire” around my midsection that so many people dread.

“Reward days” should be saved for giving yourself a “reward” when you reach your desired goal. If your goal is to lose 20lbs in 3 months, achieve that goal and THEN reward yourself with some “naughty” foods that aren’t part of your eating plan.

The “reward” shouldn’t come until the completion of the goal.

I personally justified my “reward days” by telling myself that I was eating great 6 days a week, so I “deserved” a “reward”. Nonsense.

It was only when I completely eliminated the “cheat meals” and “reward days” that I got into the best shape of my life. I maintain that shape year-round now. No off-season, no “just getting shredded for the summer”. I maintain my condition year-round.

I’m not saying to NEVER eat “junk” food or drink soda or eat foods you enjoy again. Not at all.

What I am saying, again, is to be consistent with your training and eating plan until you achieve your goal. Once you achieve it, “reward” yourself. Then set a new goal, make another plan, and follow it accordingly until you achieve it. Rinse. Repeat. You get the picture.

Be consistent with your diet and training. Stick to it. No matter what. Stay the course until you reach the desired outcome.

A funny side effect occurs when you are consistent. Over time, you start to like how you feel. When enough time passes, you start to like how you look. People start to compliment you.

Your training and nutrition slowly morphs from being a “chore” to something that’s just a routine part of your day. Soon, you won’t even think twice about it. It becomes a part of you and who you are.

Consistency. Consistency. Consistency.

Always Activate. Get Going.

Alex Arion