Exercising Your Mind

Working out or doing some form of physical activity or exercise every day is an absolute necessity if you’re looking to improve your overall health and wellness. You’ll find countless websites, social media fitness gurus, online personal trainers, coaches touting different workouts, diets and nutrition plans exclaiming their way is the best way… and who’s […]

The Difference Is…

We’re constantly bombarded with distractions. Looming deadlines, notifications from cell phones, gossipy co-workers, the TV shows that we just have to watch. It always seems like just when you think you’ve got a bit of time to devote to yourself, something happens to come up. Sometimes it’s difficult to focus and concentrate with all of […]

Suck It Up

There are times in your fitness journey when you’re going to hit snags and roadblocks. It happens. Life can be unpredictable and throw a curveball once in a while. You slept through the alarm, had to work late, your car broke down, a family emergency happened… you get the picture. When life throws curveballs, for […]


For many people, Sundays have traditionally been days off. Sunday is the day you relax, take a load off, go to your place of worship if you’re religious, watch the football game, go to family gatherings, etc. Sure. You can do those things. But you still have to exercise. You still have to be mindful […]

Finding Your Motivation

“How do I find my motivation?” It’s a question many of us should seriously ask ourselves…and an answer we must figure out if we’re ever going to make any progress toward achieving our fitness, health, or any other goal. If you think about it, we were all born motivated with the will to live and […]